Cloud stable health drink ( blend of Apricot and Sea buckthorn )

Cloud stable health drink ( blend of Apricot and Sea buckthorn )

Product Name :- Cloud stable health drink ( blend of Apricot and Sea buckthorn )
Product/Process :-
Category :- Fruits
Sub Category :- Soybeans and Oil Crops
Developed By :- PI, AICRP on PHT Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agri. Sciences and Technology
Developer Email :-
State :- Jammu and Kashmir


Sea buckthorn despite having highly acidic nature and exotic flavor is having good potential for producing various products like ready-to-serve beverages, squash, syrup, jam and jelly. Judicious blending of sea buckthorn with apricot pulp in different ratios could be promising way for value addition of both these crops leading to development of a beverage with health benefits. The uniform distribution of pulp with cloud stabilization in fruit juices and beverages adds the aesthetic appeal of the products. Pulp particles in bottled fruit juice and beverages like nectar and squashes tend to coalesce and settle at the bottom or float at the top, leaving a clear or hazy serum which results in an unattractive appearance of the product.

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