Spent chicken was dressed as per standard procedure and hot deboning process was followed to separate the lean and fat. The lean and separable fat were stored at (-) 20oC and (-
) 26oC, respectively until use. The lean was cut into small pieces of weighing approximately 30-50g. The lean pieces of chicken were then packed tightly in polyethylene bags and
stored in a deep freeze maintained at –20oC. The separable
chicken fat was also cut into smaller pieces of about 20-30g and after packing these were stored at (-) 26oC. The lean of spent chicken stored at –20oC were first thawed for overnight and then vacuum tumbled for 3-4 hours. The
chicken fat was, however, not thawed and introduced in to the bowl chopper in frozen state. The tumbled lean and frozen fat were mixed according to different formulation and bowl chopped for 1min at slow speed followed by 2min at high speed. Spices and curing ingredients were directly added as per the recipe to the chopped meat in the bowl chopper.
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